LaTeX installation instructions for OzTeX ========================================= 22 May 1994 NOTE: LaTeX is installed and ready to use in OzTeX 1.7 and later. If you have an older version of OzTeX then please upgrade. Don't expect any support if you decide to merge this release of LaTeX with an older version of OzTeX! If you have OzTeX 1.7 or later then you will only need to read the following instructions if you decide to update the version of LaTeX distributed with OzTeX. SUMMARY ======= This file contains instructions on how to install LaTeX for OzTeX. Before reading this file, you should read install.txt which explains how the LaTeX installation works in more detail. The following sections describe: * How to save any old version of LaTeX. * How to unpack the LaTeX distribution. * How to create the LaTeX format. * How to check that the installation worked. * Removing unnecessary files. SAVING ANY OLD VERSION OF LATEX =============================== In OzTeX 1.7, `LaTeX' referred to LaTeX 2.09 and `LaTeX2e' referred to the beta release of the new LaTeX implementation. To encourage the idea that LaTeX 2.09 is out of date and should gradually disappear, `LaTeX' is now used to refer to the new LaTeX implementation. If you have OzTeX 1.7 and you want to be able to use both LaTeX 2.09 and the new LaTeX, then carry out the following steps: * In the `TeX-formats' folder, rename `LaTeX.fmt' to `LaTeX209.fmt' and delete `LaTeX2e.fmt' (you will be building a new `LaTeX.fmt' file). * In the `TeX-inputs' folder, rename the folder `LaTeX' to `LaTeX209'. Delete the `LaTeX2e' folder and create a new (empty) `LaTeX' folder. (If you'll be installing new versions of the psnfss and graphics packages then delete `PSNFSS2e' and `Graphics2e' as well and create new folders called `PSNFSS' and `Graphics'. The installation steps for psnfss and graphics can be found in the documentation accompanying these packages.) * In the `Configs' folder, rename the `LaTeX' config file to `LaTeX209' and the `LaTeX2e' config file to `LaTeX'. Edit these two config files and update the format list and TeX input folders to reflect the above new format names and TeX input folders. Similar changes must be made to the format list and TeX input folders in the `Default' config file; you must also update the config list to show the new config file names. In versions of OzTeX later than 1.7, the above steps are not needed because only the new LaTeX implementation is distributed. You should simply delete all files in the `LaTeX' folder in `TeX-inputs' (after making a backup copy). UNPACKING THE DISTRIBUTION ========================== To unpack the LaTeX distribution: * Move all files in the distribution to the (empty) `LaTeX' folder in `TeX-inputs'. * Start up OzTeX. * Select `TeX...' from the `TeX' menu. * Use the standard file dialogue to select `unpack.ins', but do NOT open the file. Instead, select `Cancel'. This sets OzTeX's current folder. * Select `INITEX' from the `TeX' menu. * Type `unpack.ins' in response to the `**' prompt and hit Return. This will start the unpacking process. This may take some time: about 3 hours on a IIfx, 50 minutes on a IIsi, 30 minutes on a Duo 230, or 10 minutes on a Quadra 840AV. If you have a copy of MakeIndex, then move all files ending in `.ist' to your MakeIndex folder. CREATING THE LATEX FORMAT ========================= To create the LaTeX format: * Select `INITEX' from the `TeX' menu. * Type `latex.ltx' in response to the `**' prompt and hit Return. * After a short while, you will be asked to save the LaTeX format. Save it as `LaTeX.fmt' in the `TeX-formats' folder. You might discover at a later date that some of the TeX parameters in the `Default' config file need to be increased to typeset your documents. Depending on which parameters, you might need to build a new format file. You might even need to build a "big" format; the OzTeX User Guide explains how to do this. CHECKING THAT THE INSTALLATION WORKED ===================================== To check that the installation worked: * Move the file `ltxcheck.ltx' out of the `LaTeX' folder. (It doesn't matter where you move it, just so long as it is not in the same folder as the file `article.cls'. If this file is in the same folder then LaTeX will definitely be able to read it and so cannot check if it is possible to read files that are NOT in the current folder.) * Tick the `LaTeX' format in the `TeX' menu. If you have LaTeX and LaTeX 2.09 then you should select `LaTeX' from the `Config' menu. This will select the right format and the correct set of TeX input folders. * Select `TeX...' from the `TeX' menu. * Open the file `ltxcheck.ltx'. This will run a test of the LaTeX installation, and should produce `OK!' to a number of tests. If it does not, then see `PROBLEMS' in install.txt. * Delete the .log and .aux files created (and move `ltxcheck.ltx' back to the `LaTeX' folder if you like). You have now installed LaTeX! REMOVING UNNECESSARY FILES ========================== After LaTeX has been successfully installed, you might want to delete some non-essential files (after making backup copies) to free up space on your hard disk. From the `LaTeX' folder, delete all files ending in: .ins .drv .dtx .fdd. --- Copyright 1994 Andrew Trevorrow and the LaTeX3 project. --- --- All rights reserved. ---