Usage of Hebrew with the Hebrew LaTeX To work in LaTeX in Hebrew, copy the files: hebrew.sty hebcal.sty for Old Code; or hebrew_newcode.sty hebcal_newcode.sty for New Code. Hebrew is an option in latex ; you specify, for example, \documentstyle[hebrew,......]{article} % In Old Code \sethebrew \begin{document} or \documentstyle[hebrew_newcode,......]{article} % In New Code \sethebrew \begin{document} The availabe Hebrew fonts in LaTeX are: Jerusalem -- called for short \jm TelAviv -- called for short \ta DeadSea -- called for short \ds OldJaffa -- called for short \oj The Hebrew option in LaTeX uses these fonts. When you set hebrew mode (via \sethebrew) the following setting comes into effect: \jm replaces \rm (The regular font) \ds replaces \bf (boldface) \oj replaces \it (italics) \ta replaces \tt (typewriter) This is done in the line \def\tohebrew{\def\rm{\jm}\def\bf{\ds}\def\it{\oj}\def\tt{\ta}\jm} (in hebrew.sty) You can change the setting by changing this line in hebrew.sty and/or in hebrew_newcode.sty . Information about Latex in Hebrew appears in ../latex_guides/heblatex_guide